Not all Teas are the Same

By Paul Nelson

Last week, we started off with a basic liquor (whiskey or rum) mixed with Coca-Cola (never Pepsi, remember?). Now you want to do something a little more interesting, right? You want to create a real cocktail, not just one of the most popular drinks in the world. How about you take that rum and Coke you made last week and squeeze ¼ of a lime into it. Voila—you just created the classic cocktail Cuba Libre, which adds a touch of class and elegance to the whole affair, doesn’t it? If tequila is more your preference, mix that with Coca-Cola and a lime wedge and you have what I call the Batanga. Equally refreshing but less sweet than a rum or whiskey & Coke.

Still too simple, you say? Fine. How about we go full bananas crazy and whip up a club favorite: the Long Island Iced Tea. Believe it or not, this delicious and potent drink is made simply with Coca-Cola and a hefty squeeze of lemon juice.

Oh yeah, and five different liquors.

The Long Island Iced Tea

  • ¼ oz. vodka
  • ¼ oz. gin
  • ¼ oz. tequila
  • ¼ oz. triple sec
  • ¼ oz. rum
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Coca-Cola to top

Stir the alcohols together and pour into a glass over ice. Then top with Coca-Cola and the lemon juice and stir or shake again. Enjoy responsibly—this is a dangerous drink!

long island iced tea

Yes, this drink requires you to have a stable of the most common liquors. The only basic one it doesn’t require is whiskey. If that seems like a big jump from last week’s rum and Coke, just remember that you were complaining that I wasn’t giving you enough of a challenge a few short sentences ago. Make up your mind!

Yes, stocking a home bar is expensive, especially if you do it all at once. Spread it out and get a bottle every two weeks or one a month. I’m blessed by members of my congregation who gift me bottles of liquor for my birthday or Christmas. Once people know this is what you’re into, you may find that you don’t have to buy everything yourself. But regardless, every sport and hobby has a price, my friend. Those stamps weren’t free. The health insurance for your rugby matches is a pretty penny. Spending anywhere from $15 to $30 or more on a bottle of liquor is painful, but it’s an investment. A retail 750 ml bottle of liquor should make in the neighborhood of sixteen drinks. Around these parts, drinks are at least $7 in a dive bar. If you order a real cocktail someplace that actually has cloth napkins, cushions on the bar chairs, or doors on the restrooms, it’s double digits. You’re money ahead to buy the bottle and make the drinks yourself.

Budget it out. The important thing is not how many bottles you have but that you enjoy what you have. And if you make a Long Island Iced Tea, you should definitely enjoy, preferably in a seated position.

I’ve decided to start putting random videos on the bottom of Paul’s posts, for no other reason than to provide you with a laugh to start the weekend off right. Cheers! – Ed.
